Spill The Tea on 2018, Take a Shot on 2019

December 26, 2018
December 26, 2018 cmb

Spill The Tea on 2018, Take a Shot on 2019

By: CeCe Marie

Around this time of year, we start making resolutions to be better people. Some focus on being healthier and hitting the gym, while others focus on their careers or learning a new skill. The hope is that these ambitions will make us healthier, stronger, wiser, or happier.

After launching Coffee, Tea or Tequila last year I learned a lot about myself and how to effectively build my brand. In 2017 I learned to fly without wings. I took a chance on myself and found out what I’m capable of doing. This past year I focused on being loyal to myself and I had to remind myself that it is ok to fly alone sometimes. It was a pretty easy reminder since this is one of the last conversations I had with my Uncle before he passed away. It’s also the inspiration behind one of my tattoos. My uncle always said, “When you fly, fly alone.” Meaning be loyal to yourself and live your life for you and only you.
In 2018 I switched up my seating arrangement and removed a few seats from the table. I put God first and leaned into my faith because God is the one who really prepares the table for us. I also turned Coffee, Tea or Tequila into a business, adding brand management and consulting to the services I offer.
For 2019 I’m going to focus on spreading my wings even further. I want to expand my network outside of Chicago and this will be a year of travel. I’m excited to welcome two new clients to Coffee, Tea or Tequila. I’m also looking forward to doing more events and to include some events for my clients and other entrepreneurs who are looking to build.
Brands are stronger together and we all are out here “workin”, so I asked some other entrepreneurs that I respect and have been inspired by to take a look back on there year. I asked these influencers what they learned in 2018 and what they are going to do different in 2019.
Hailey Losselyong – Visual Artist and owner of HML.Design

“I’ve learned that every project isn’t meant for me and only me. I have to say no to some things.”

“In 2019 I’m going to stop waiting for every opportunity to come to me and I’m going to put myself out there more.”

Nicole Richardson – Makeup Artist & Owner of Flawless Beauty Suites by Nicole Richardson 
“2018 helped mold me into a better leader and taught me to stop aspiring  to sit at tables where I needed to bring my own chair. In 2019 I’m focusing on building a new table for my team and for others who are looking to have a seat at the table. This is what I was made for.”
Samantha Harris – Massage Therapist, Esthetician & Owner of A Touch of Sam
“2018 I learned that hard work takes sacrifice and to never let anyone treat you like you are beneath them. For 2019 I’m coming for everything they said I couldn’t.”
Jukie Tha Kidd – DJ & Model
“This year I learned that there are things in life that cannot be controlled and there are also things in life that are within my control, but I can only conquer what is meant for me to conquer. I also learned that being patient is way better than making hasty, impulsive moves. I saw that waiting it out on opportunities I seek resulted in greatness. I can always count on the universe to boomerang back with positive feedback and a beneficial outcome.”
My quote for 2019, “patiences is a virtue and everything that is meant for you will come to fruition.”
Kevin Russell – Photographer & owner of Him Over There Studios
“In 2018 I learned that you can not pour from an empty cup. My 2019 focus is to create a better client experience.”
Corey Anderson – Actor, Model & Mentor
“The quote I learned and grew from in 2018  is Don’t expect a harvest on the day you plant the seed. There’s no such thing as an overnight success. You have to put in countless hours and have a PLAN to ensure you’re reaching your goals for your brand Trust the process in 2019 and know that all your hard work will not go in vein.”
Erin Martin – Owner of ECBG Cake Studio
“I learned I can’t do everything- or ANYTHING alone. We are better together, so realize what you can let go, build a strong team and delegate- its the only way w’ell grow!”
“Goals for next year: I want to find a permanent space for ECBG to call home in 2019. I want to tighten everything up – back end, logistically, operations and branding wise so we can have a very sturdy foundation to stand on. “
Nitty Marie – Founder and CEO of Nitty’s Knocker Creative Strategy and Media
“This year I’ve learned that every positive thought pushes you In the right direction along with staying true to yourself and being thankful for what makes you unique.
“Next year I’m going to focus on consistently embracing positivity and allowing the bright energy I give out guide my intentions.”
Laquita Washington – Publicist & Owner of Studio Twenty Five

“If I learned one thing being an entrepreneur in 2018 is that your biggest competitor is yourself. When you stay in your lane, stay your eye on the prize and don’t look at any one around you or behind you, you will accelerate so much faster.

For 2019 the biggest quote to myself and others is to do the unbelievable. You are going to have a lot of nay sayers and doubters but prove them wrong! You have a vision that some can’t and won’t identify with. Try your best to make the impossible possible, because you can and you will!”
Sid The Gent – Co-Owner of FLi Nation & Fake Decent
“There quote that best describes 2018 is “it be your own homies”
Looking back at the year I had with the brand and the team I think the over lining theme has been “it be your own homies”.  This year we took a new brand to market and the support has been beyond awesome; it was our own homies who showed up and supported us from the beginning. We were able to open up a store in Boxville, and again it was because of the support from our homies and the relationship we were able to harvest.  Then it was that support that made a collaboration with Leaders possible. It was also our homies who came out and supported our events which are vastly different than your normal party. It was also our own homies who we’ve been able to support and build with.Then on the flip side, it was also our own homies who didn’t show up with the right energy at times this year. Overall this year was a “it be your own homies” type of year. Dropped the hoodie in the first quarter, opened a store in the 3rd quarter then dropped a collaboration with Leaders in the 4th quarter; this year has been nothing short of amazing for us. It be your own homies.
For 2019 we plan to really push the envelope creatively and continue celebrate the culture we are a part of and contribute to. We also want to make sure we’re being a resource for the next wave of creatives in the new and share some of the things we have access to. Looking forward to leverage some of the relationships that we were able to grow this past year into real opportunity. Definitely plan to move a bunch of events and pop up into different cities.
2019 will be the year of “No Limit” for us. We’re going do some things that people won’t expect and we’re going to shoot for goals that may seem too big for some. In 19 nothing is off the table, nothing is out of reach, nothing will hold us back. No limits, truly.”
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