City In The Sun

December 29, 2017
Posted in Take A Sip
December 29, 2017 cmb

City In The Sun

By: Creative Director/Producer, Mark A. Moore

As the soft summer breeze cooled the dizzying rays of the setting sun, I stood watching in awe as we began shooting episode one of Coffee, Tea or Tequila.  The city of Chicago was glistening; majestic in its iconic profile. Cece was ready for her debut, waxing confidently as we filmed our first opening intro.  Weeks of planning and preparation culminated in this moment.  It was memorable, one that filled my heart with great pride.  We had been working on this story for weeks.  Chicagorilla and its origins would serve as a worth opening segment.  It was well worth the wait.

Coffee, Tea or Tequila is dedicated to bringing forth positive stories that engage the mind and satisfy the soul. Chicago is home to some of the brightest and most talented people in the country.  Too often the city is portrayed in a negative light, leaving a misguided and inaccurate account of this magical city. Yes, it has its problems, as do most large urban centers.  However, the people deserve better.   Many have something to say.  And there are great stories to tell.

In a short period of time, we’ve managed to produce 3 new episodes, and we officially launched the company with a 4-person panel discussion in early November.   It was a lively, intimate, open and honest affair, leaving the audience excited and well informed.  Our guests were engaged.  They learned a lot about what it takes to be an entrepreneur in a competitive and demanding environment.    We never imagined the positive feedback we’ve received, nor could we have anticipated our early success.   Coffee, Tea or Tequila has announced its arrival.  Now the real work begins.

As the year comes to an end, with the holiday season quickly approaching, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support.  We have already started planning for next year, and we will continue to deliver our message with thoughtful storytelling, exciting events and provocative conversations.  As the creative director and producer of the company, I look forward to delivering high quality content that will do more, and be more.  Please stay tuned!  From all of us at Coffee, Tea or Tequila we wish you and yours a happy and safe Christmas Season and a prosperous New Year!


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