Josilyn Spreads Holiday Joy With Barbie Brunch

December 29, 2017
Posted in Take A Sip
December 29, 2017 cmb

Josilyn Spreads Holiday Joy With Barbie Brunch

By: CeCe Marie

For many children the holidays are a time to make a wish list for Santa. This year for Christmas my niece had Barbies at the top of her list. While shopping for my nieces Barbies at Target, I grabbed some Barbies for another little girls Christmas wish list as well. Ten year old Josilyn Whitney Martin-Richardson’s wish list was very different than most children her age. Instead of asking for gifts to receive for herself, she asked for Barbies to donate to little girls all over the city of Chicago and even around the world.

This year Josilyn held her third annual Barbie Brunch at Velvet Lounge on Sunday, December 17th. Her vision behind the Barbie toy drive is that “every little girl should have one.”

I usually attend Velvet Lounge when I’m looking to enjoy the nightlife in Chicago. However, when I walked into the venue for the brunch, the lounge was turned into a magical Barbie playhouse. Hundreds of donated Barbies were on display throughout the room from the tables, to the couches, to the DJ booth. The sweets table had a spread of cupcakes that was provided by 10 year old entrepreneur, Jordin of J’s Cupcakes & Sweets. Cupcake flavors included Oreo, Snickers, vanilla, chocolate, and Reese’s Pieces.

Josilyn’s Barbie Brunch showed me how fulfilling it is to embrace the spirit of giving. It allowed me to forget myself and to find time for others. Thanks Josilyn for such a beautiful event, you brought the spirit of love and generosity to so many this year. Keep up the hard work. #SheWorkin.

Below is a Q&A with Josilyn where she opens up about her philanthropy work and her favorite Barbie:

1. What inspired you to start doing your Barbie Brunch?

I was playing at the park and I had my barbie and the little girl I was playing with didn’t have one and it made me sad because she said she didn’t have any at home either. I offered her mine but she said she couldn’t take it.

2. Why do you enjoy Barbie’s so much and why do you think that every little girl should have one?

I’m an only child and my mom works a lot so Barbie was my friend. She kept me from being lonely. I learned to accessorize and braid hair and sow clothes with my Barbies. So if every little girl has one maybe they won’t be lonely. And Barbies inspires you to be whoever you want to be.

3. How was your experience planning the event?

My mom did most of the work. I just told her what I wanted it to be like and she did it.

4. What was your favorite part about the event?

My favorite part is seeing everyone come help make a difference. The best part is after the event when we drop them off and people pick them up. I like helping little girls pick their Barbies.

5. How many Barbie’s do you hope to collect this year and where will you be donating the Barbie’s to?

I always try to get 1,000 but as long as we get enough and help the organizations we have in the past I’m happy.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a lawyer.

7. What is your favorite Barbie that you have?

I don’t really have a favorite but I love the bend and move and fashionista Barbies.

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