Stop Waiting Until Tomorrow

January 16, 2018
Posted in Take A Sip
January 16, 2018 cmb

Stop Waiting Until Tomorrow

By: Aaron Mayo

Happy New Year! How did you spend yours? What’s your resolution? New Year, new you? Blah, blah blah. I write this on January 2nd 2018, so yea, it’s a new year. What does that mean though? Why wait until the year changes on the calendar, to enact change within ourselves? It’s somewhat ironic I just wrote that. If I’m being completely honest, Christina reached out to me months ago, about being a guest blogger on her website. I agreed to do it, and never followed up. I thought about different topics ranging from anger in America, to being a black kid that grew up in the suburbs. I couldn’t pin anything down so I did something even worse, nothing.

Writing can put authors in vulnerable positions. As a writer if you are not willing to embrace those vulnerabilities, you will never reach your full potential. That’s what I love about writing. It’s my thoughts, my feelings and I don’t care what you think. It’s one of the areas in life I excel. Why am I saying this? I got away from writing. I went to school, got a degree in journalism and didn’t do a damn thing with it. I went into sales! That’s where the money is right? You hear people say all the time, money doesn’t buy happiness, but it for damn sure puts gas in your car and keeps your heat on. Plus, at the time I told myself I would write on the side. I’d have the best of both worlds, money and writing as an outlet when I needed it.

I hate sales. I probably have the most bullshit sales job there is. To call what I do sales is an absolute stretch. If anything, I sell myself the belief every morning that a monkey couldn’t be trained to do what I do. I get no satisfaction from what I do, and it recently dawned on me I’ve been accepting complacency instead of enacting change. As much as I hate my job, I do get a pretty decent paycheck every two weeks. The comfortability of knowing that, put me in a trap. Suddenly years have passed, and I’m old now. I’m not a few years out of college trying to find myself. I’m an adult with a wife and a two year old. Changing jobs is a lot harder and a little more terrifying. I’ve started to ask myself questions like, how can I translate these skills to something else? What do I want to do? And why did I allow myself to fall into this trap?

Writing was always something I loved, but would never fully embrace. Open up any of my notebooks and you’ll find song lyrics intertwined with history lessons and math problems. in 2018 I vow to embrace what I love, and chase more than the money. I challenge you to do the same. Don’t wait until tomorrow, or make it your resolution for next New Year. Begin the change now and reap the benefits forever.

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