Meet Plus Size Pretty Radio Duo: Nieisha Bibbs & Asia Clark

February 6, 2018
Posted in Take A Sip
February 6, 2018 cmb

Meet Plus Size Pretty Radio Duo: Nieisha Bibbs & Asia Clark

By: CeCe Marie

Since the beginning of 2018 while scrolling through my timeline on social media, all I’ve came across are people embracing self-care habits including loving themselves and focusing on positive energy. What a breath of fresh air to see. The most important relationship in your life is your relationship with yourself because it sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

In a world of Instagram models, many women who don’t fit the cookie cutter image that society upholds feel unseen. We have some plus size models representing for curvier shapes such as Ashley Graham and Tess Holliday. Gabourey Sidibe has been holding it down since she first stepped on the scene in the 2009 film Precious. She most recently came out with her book “This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare” where she was quoted saying, “My body sometimes feels like a tragedy, but I’m trying very hard to change my mind about that.” It’s a process that starts with your mental mindset. Even one of the most popular insta-famous women’s clothing brands, Fashion Nova, took a dive into the plus size industry with their new line Fashion Nova Curve. Having models, clothing brands and actors/actresses pave the way for the plus size population is a start, but where are our media outlets and curvy hosts at? Right here in Chi Town.

Allow me to introduce Nieisha Bibbs and her co-host Asia Clark. They are the funny, sexy, bold and informative duo for “Plus Size Pretty Radio,” a radio show geared toward uplifting, empowering, and recreating the way the world views plus size beauties. They are helping women of all shapes and sizes take charge of their realities, recognize their goals, and reach their dreams.

By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others. This intimate Q&A with Nieisha and Asia just gave me the boost I needed to refocus and continue my journey. Thank you for the motivation ladies, this week has been testing my patience and full of emotions, but you both woke me back up to reality with your encouraging insight. #TheyWorkin.

Check out the Q&A below. Make sure to leave some comments and don’t forget to listen to Plus Size Pretty Radio every Friday from 8pm-10pm CST.

1. How did you get involved with Plus Size Pretty Radio and what are you hoping to accomplish with the platform? 

Nieisha: I’m the creator of PSP radio and I truly seek to accomplish the breaking of size barriers and influence the healing of women who struggle with self-esteem and their weight.

Asia: Nieisha (The founder and owner) interviewed me for her “Entrepreneurial & Leadership” Show. It was probably one of the dopest experiences that I’ve ever had. From there, she invited me to do different things that she was involved in and it was all positive I wanted to be a part permanently.

2. Radio is known to be a male dominated industry. With that being said, how do you make your presence known and your voice heard for the female population?

Nieisha: Any related platforms I take the chance and the challenge to be center stage and I don’t limit myself on the coverage and conversation be it football, gun cards, politics, or being a woman.

Asia: You are GOING TO LISTEN TO ME (lol)! Even if it’s to tell me I’m wrong, you will hear me out. Both Nieisha and myself, however, make it a point to be knowledgeable when we speak. Being loud and boisterous is cool to a point, but then you lose the audience attention after a while. Being knowledgeable is the best way to stand out.

3. On the show you recently discussed weight loss surgery vs. non-surgical weight loss. What are your thoughts on this trending topic?

Nieisha: I believe that all people have to take the journey of their choice. I believe a person should research and really explore their options.

Asia: I’m for whatever gets the job done and makes the person happy. If it’s a nip tuck – wonderful. If it’s hammering it out in the gym – get it cracking. I’m about whatever puts a smile on your face and makes YOU happy.

4. Everyone has that special ingredient that makes them unique, separating them from the rest of the wolves in the pack. What makes Plus Size Pretty Radio stand out?

Nieisha: We give a platform to be yourself… no pre-record, no limitations, no barriers on opinions or thoughts. We want real life people with very relatable stories and situations of both trial and triumph.

Asia: I think the combination of both me and Nieisha. Let’s be clear, Nieisha did not need me. Lol, she was dope all by herself. But now, I think people see the genuineness between us both. I have a huge respect for her and her platform. I’m going to always big her up and push her to the front of the line. We both enjoy the love but the Love, the likes, and the compliments won’t over shadow the purpose of Plus Size Pretty Radio.

5. As a plus size woman who embraces confidence, what advice would you give to other plus size women who struggle with their worth?

Nieisha: Recognize the issue. Talk to someone you trust. Research an organization to join. Seek Professional guidance. Start making small changes toward making yourself feel better. Find a positive phrase to repeat to yourself in the mirror every day.

Asia: Be YOURSELF…Be who GOD created you to be…Love those that love you because it’s going to always be a hater in the crowd. If you’re skinny and thin you’re on drugs. If you’re over weight and happy you have an eating disorder. Trying to satisfy people will drive you crazy. Satisfy yourself!

6. What key experiences have helped you throughout your journey to become the woman you are today?

Nieisha: Being raped definitely #1. Always being the biggest kid in class always! Always having a big voice that people actually listened to. Having A fiancé and boyfriend pass away to health complications.

 Asia: The funny thing is my experiences are still shaping me. This is probably one of the realist things I’m going to ever say …. God does not want me comfortable…He doesn’t want me comfortable because he wants me to constantly keep reaching and when I get comfortable my hunger pains go away. I lose some of my spark; so, I constantly go through metaphorical situations. I have to because I have a job to do.

7. Everyone has a favorite quote, motto or words that they live by. What motto motivates and inspires you to keep going?    

Asia: Habakkuk 2:2-4 2 Then the Lord replied:

“Write down the revelation

and make it plain on tablets

so that a herald may run with it.

For the revelation awaits an appointed time;

It speaks of the end

and will not prove false.

Though it linger, wait for it;

It will certainly come

and will not delay.

“See, the enemy is puffed up;

His desires are not upright—

but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness”

– Basically, this is my favorite bible verse and God is telling you to write your plan down or the desires of your heart. Have faith that it’s coming even though it may take some time…have faith in it and wait on it. That’s reassuring even in your darkest hour. God sees you.

8. For 2018 what can we expect from you and Plus Size Pretty Radio? This is your year for what?

Nieisha: This is the year of growth, redemption and proclaimed victory! Plus size pretty radio is out to conquer and soar far above and beyond the doubters and nonbelievers!

Asia: Just the shine that God, not people, will give us. Our platform will expand, increase in everything.

9. Fill in the blank. I get inspired by _______?

Nieisha: I get inspired by the positive uplifting of all those I encounter!

Asia: I get inspired by God’s word ESPECIALLY when he confirms it through other things.

10. Are you coffee, tea or tequila? Why?

Nieisha: Oohhhh I’m a tea girl even though I loovvve my tequila, that tea is so soothing, warm, and delicious very satisfying!

Asia: Coffee – I love coffee in REAL LIFE! But coffee keeps you moving, I love the energy behind it!

You can tune in and listen to their show Friday from 8pm to 10pm on or download “Simple Radio” app from your App Store & type “QUE4RADIO.” You can also listen & watch on their fan page on Facebook “Plus Size Pretty Radio.” Got comments or questions to ask, make sure to call-in @ (312) 985-7834 or contact them at

Social Media:

Asia’s Instagram: @china_beats_hair

Asia’s Facebook: Asia Clark

Nieisha’s Instagram: @plussizeprettyradio

Nieisha’s Facebook: Nieisha Bibbs

Facebook Fan Page: Plus Size Pretty Radio


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