Relax & Unwind

March 28, 2018
Posted in Take A Sip
March 28, 2018 cmb

Relax & Unwind

Relax & Unwind With Massages By Sam Jeanine

By: CeCe Marie

Getting a massage is the ultimate therapeutic luxury that many indulge in once a month or so. I was twenty-seven when I finally decided to splurge on a massage. After having a stressful year with some setbacks, I wanted to release the tension in my shoulders. I felt as though I was carrying the weight of the world and it was time for some self-care. My friend from high school, Samantha Harris, posted on Facebook that she had openings for massages. One hour for sixty dollars. That is about as much as I pay to get my nails and toes done or to get my face beat with some makeup. The massage was calling my name, so I reached out to her and booked my first appointment. This was some grown woman shit as I decided to make self-care a priority, putting myself first on my to-do list.

That simple one-hour massage made me feel rejuvenated and helped to assist me on my journey of self-love. I call 2017 my year of rebirth because I learned that your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will have in life as it sets the standards for all your other relationships that you have. That year I also learned who the fuck I was, and I stopped dreaming and started doing.

Not only did the massage allow my muscles to hit the reset button, but it also allowed my friendship with Samantha to be reborn. Her and I were really close in high school, but after graduation our lives went separate ways. It’s funny how everything comes full circle. At the time of my first massage with Samantha we both were going through similar situations on the same journey of rebirth and self-love. What a blessing it has been to have Samantha back in my life. She inspires me on a daily to stay focused and to continue to fight for my dreams. Her friendship has been the support I’ve needed to keep going. She just gets me and we both have started the chapter in our lives of entrepreneurship.

Samantha’s business is Massages By SamJeanine. On Sunday, she partnered with Sweeney Taud Studioz for their basketball league tournament at St. Columbanus Athletic Center. DJ Mile High provided the sounds for the games while Samantha helped the players warm up with complimentary massages before and after they played. It was positive vibes all around at the event as entrepreneurs and athletes collaborated for some fun. DJ Mile High even acted like an unofficial coach as he kept his boys from Sweeney Taud Studioz motivated from the sidelines.

Check out my Q&A with Samantha as she spills the tea about her brand and what is in store for the future. After reading this blog make sure to follow Samantha and mention this post for 10% off your first massage. #SheWorkin. Proud of you Sammy.

1. How did you get into massage therapy?

I got into massage therapy back in 2016. I always loved sports and was really intrigued by sports massage therapist, how they were always there stretching and facilitating the athletes. When I would go to sports games I would see the trainers, the physical therapist and the massage therapist. I was like darn that looks like something I would like to do. I was also into gymnastics, cheerleading and sports growing up, so I know the dynamic stretching and massaging can play on a person. Also, I would always massage family members and they would tell me how good my massages were and when my brother was younger and was going through a lot of pain, I would give him head massages and it would calm him down sometimes. So, with all these experiences and dreams this is what brought me into massage therapy.

2.Explain your brand to me?

My brand is me, I named my business SamJeanine, because at the end of the day I represent myself. I am a cool laid-back person, so I like to give people that experience when I massage them. I specialize in Swedish massages, which is a calming relaxing massage that brings increased circulation, but also feels amazing.

3.What type of experience do you want your clients to receive when they come see you?

I want my clients to walk out feeling refreshed after getting one of my massages. Even though they may be a little sore, I want them to feel that sign of relief and be able to go home and wind down.

4.You did complementary massage for the Sweeney Taud Studioz basketball league. What was your experience like at the event?

My experience at Sweeney Taud basketball league was amazing. I met a lot of great athletes. It was actually my second sporting event I have worked. This was super fun. I got to stretch a couple of the players as well as perform some sports massage techniques. For sports massage you have a pre and post athletic massage. For the pre-massage you want to awake the muscles but quickly massage them. For the post massage you can do a deeper massage on areas that are sore. It was great to see the hard work and dedication that Sweeney put into their league.

5.Can you explain to me your journey of being an entrepreneur? What have you learned so far?

It has been a rough journey, because right now I am investing in myself. So, I haven’t seen a big return, but I know everything will pay off in the long run. Also, I am currently still working my full time job and in school, so the only time I can really dedicate to massages is on weekends.. I have learned that hard work and dedication pays off, you have to just get up and do, because no one is just going to hand you your dreams. I have worked for many other businesses throughout and now I feel like it is time for me to do this on my own.

6.What are your goals for your brand? Anything we can expect this year or next?

My goals for my brand are to open up my own salon suite and have a better online booking method. All of that is currently under construction as I am seeking out a salon suite. I don’t know if it will be more beneficial for me to be in the suburbs or in the city or even halfway in between. This year you will see me working a lot and networking, I still have a lot to do to build my brand. So right now, I am focused more than ever. You will see a couple of surprises from me this year, but for the most part I am working hard.

7.How do you stay focused and motivated? Any motto or quote that you live by?

My little girls keep me focused and motivated, without them I don’t know where I would be right now. They are my motivation to keep working hard through every struggle there is.

8.What advice do you have for others looking to build their own brand?

Take your time and if this is really what you want, put your all into it. Don’t let anyone scam you out of your dream. Don’t pay attention to any of the haters, people will always have something to say regardless.

9.Who is on your list of people that you want to give a massage to? Any dream celebrities?

Omg so my #1 person I want to give a massage to is a particular athlete he used to play for the bulls; Jimmy Butler. My # 1 singer is SZA, I feel like she is my soul sister and I would love to do reiki on her.

10.Are you coffee, tea or tequila? Why?

I feel like I am tea, because I am always listening to what people have going on. I would never tell someone’s business ever. I never want to be the one to spread something I shouldn’t have. That’s why I love massaging so much, because I hear so many different stories and people feel like they can talk to me in confidence knowing damn well I won’t spread a word.

Social Media:

Samantha’s Instagram: @NiceThangz

Samantha’s Twitter: @NiceThangz

Massage by Sam Jeanine Facebook Page: @MassageBySamJeanine


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